60 Holistic Wellness AI Stock Photos with MRR PLR
- Description
- Info
Elevate your wellness brand with our collection of 60 professionally curated holistic wellness AI stock photos. These photos are perfect for promoting your products and services, creating captivating social media posts, and connecting with your audience through impactful visual storytelling. Take your brand to the next level and inspire your audience with the power of holistic wellness.
- 60 x Stock Images - Portrait Size - 4500 x 5624 px | 4:5 ratio
- 60 x Stock Images - Story Size – 4500 x 7999 px | 9:16 ratio
- Private Label Rights (PLR)
- Master Resell Rights (MRR)
- Instant Access to the Canva link.
With Private Label Rights (PLR) and Master Resell Rights (MRR), you can:
- Resell these photos as part of your own product offerings, creating new income streams effortlessly.
- Use them to design and sell Canva templates, social media bundles, or other digital products, offering unique and professional visuals to your customers.
Please note that this is a digital product, and no physical
items will be shipped. It includes copyright protection, and any resale
or redistribution without permission is prohibited.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Additionally, if you don't have Canva yet, you can try Canva Pro for free using our link.
Complete the look:
60 Holistic Wellness AI Stock Photos with MRR PLR
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